Any orders that wish to come under the umbrella and a Bishop Protector within the Australian Church of Antioch can Contact the Presiding Archbishop for details.
The Inclusive Sacramental Church of Christ
On the 26th of August 2023, at a meeting of the Clerical Synod of The Inclusive Sacramental Church of Christ, The Most Rev David Jones was elected to the position of Bishop Protector of TISCC within the Australian Church of Antioch.
The Liturgy states: "It appertains to a Bishop to consecrate, to ordain, to offer sacrifice, to anoint, to bless, to loose and to bind, to baptize and confirm, to preside, to interpret and to judge." May he especially be blessed in the work of interpreting and judging, a gentle father to all his people. Archbishop Harry Aveling |
The Most Reverend David Jones
Archbishop Protector of The Inclusive Sacramental Church of Christ. Diploma in Religious Studies (Liberal Catholic Institute of Studies) Archbishop David is the Qld. representative Archbishop for ACoA. T.I.S.C.C. Auxiliary Bishop for Australia Pastor of the Parish of St. Raphael the Healer, Brisbane Registered Marriage Celebrant David Jones was consecrated to the Episcopacy on Saturday 29th January 2022 in St Peter's College, Brisbane, Queensland. Throughout his time in Orders, David has (not-so) quietly agitated for equality in the delivery of our Sacraments ... such that all seven of the gifts of the Holy Spirit are offered to any and every person, regardless of gender or lifestyle, as long as they approach same with due reverence and respect, and this led him to leave the Liberal Catholic Church in May 2020, and join the Liberal Catholic Church International, founding the Community of St Raphael the Healer with his wife and Priest, Vicki and the two of them conduct the service of the Mass each Sunday at 9.30AM at their home in Brisbane. The Community of St Raphael the Healer offers a sung Holy Eucharist at 9.30AM Brisbane time through the pages of Facebook. All who come are invited to bring their own elements and follow the rubrics with the celebrant. While it is a closed group, that’s only a Facebook technicality, and new members are always welcome upon application. Just send a request to join. Other services include Sacramental Healing, Baptisms, Funerals and Weddings. These services are offered in private homes, hospitals and other places on request. The parish aims through persistent community engagement and outreach to continue the work of our Master Christ and to further His work in the world. Go to the T.I.S.C.C. Facebook Link on the left for Live Stream Masses each Sunday at 9.30am Brisbane time. The Most Reverend Harry Aveling
Archbishop Protector Emeritus of The Inclusive Sacramental Church of Christ Registered Marriage Celebrant The Inclusive Sacramental Church of Christ is an Independent Order and Faith Tradition coming under The Australian Church of Antioch Bishop Protector and constitution while still retaining their independence. The Inclusive Sacramental Church of Christ was founded on the 13th March 2021. As Presiding Archbishop Harry currently has oversight of parishes throughout the world. He holds degrees in Arts (PhD, Malay Studies, National University of Singapore), Creative Writing (DCA, University of Technology, Sydney) and Theology (STM, Wollaston College, Perth WA). He has recently served two terms on the Committee of the Association for Supervision and Clinical Pastoral Education in Victoria. Archbishop Harry was ordained to the Priesthood of the Liberal Catholic Church in March 1986 and incardinated into the Liberal Catholic Church International in December 2002. He was appointed Vicar General for the Province of Australia in 2004 and consecrated to the Episcopate in April 2017. As Regionary Bishop, he had oversight of the church within the Commonwealth of Australia. More recently Archbishop Harry left the LCCI to found The Inclusive Sacramental Church of Christ which continues in the Liberal Catholic tradition. T.I.S.C.C. are a worldwide group of diverse church communities adhering to a core set of principles. The Liberal Catholic movement is non-dogmatic and all laity are free to have their own thoughts on theology. All are welcome no matter what your situation is. The Parish of St Francis and St Clare, Notting Hill, Melbourne, is dedicated to worship, fellowship, and simplicity in its expression of what it means to be the church. They celebrate a home Mass on the third Sunday in the month, followed by a shared meal. Details are available upon request. |
Reverend Mother Vicki Jones
B.A., Grad Dip Information Management, Diploma in Religious Studies (Liberal Catholic Institute of Studies) Parish of St. Raphael The Healer, Brisbane Registered Marriage Celebrant Rev Mother Vicki was ordained to the Priesthood on Sunday 30th January 2022. When they were teenagers, Vicki said to David ... you should be in Holy Orders, and he was ordained a priest 42 years later. And while Vicki had been wholly supportive of him, she’d not really thought she’d have a vocation until she saw David growing into his role as a Priest. However, Vicki was not interested in a role as a Deaconess in the Liberal Catholic Church, as such is a religious order, but not a bible-based Holy Order. So Vicki left the LCC, and started working towards orders under Bishop Harry Aveling of the Liberal Catholic Church International, a church with the same amazing Liturgy and same values, but which would extend to her the same rights to serve Our Lord in Holy Orders as were afforded to her husband David in the LCC. Vicki was ordained to the Diaconate in October 2019 under the hand of Bishop Harry Aveling at a service in Brisbane attended by some thirty family and friends. Like other clergy, her role is voluntary and over her life she has worked largely in the public sector, serving the needs of the less-advantaged in federal departments such as Aboriginal and Torres Straits Island Health, Health and Ageing, and similar departments where her passion for serving the needs of others could find a natural home. |
Reverend Mother Marion Gilchrist
Parish of St. Francis & St. Clare, Notting Hill, Melbourne Rev Mother Marion was ordained to the Priesthood on Sunday 30th January 2022. Marian Gilchrist was admitted to the Order of Deaconess in the Liberal Catholic Church, Melbourne in 1989. She transferred to the LCCI two years ago and after passing through the minor orders was ordained to the Diaconate in December 2020. She has a long experience of, and knowledge about Liberal Catholic principles and practice, and also holds high degrees in co-masonry. Marion is also a musician. As a Priest, she is particularly concerned with church outreach and welfare work, and hopes to be increasingly involved in the work of the altar. |
Reverend Father Anthony Rhimes
Parish of St. Francis & St. Clare, Notting Hill, Melbourne Registered Marriage Celebrant Anthony was ordained to the level of Priest on the 26th of August 2023. Anthony has had a lifelong passion for God, and has been fascinated by spirituality, religion, and esotericism, in all their varied forms. He was raised in a Pentecostal Church, and since an early age has explored a range of Western Spiritualities, including Gnosticism, Hermeticism, and Rosicrucianism, and Eastern Religions before realising that all of these things were to be grounded and integrated in the person of Jesus Christ, and His bride, the Church. He completed his undergraduate degree, majoring in Studies in Religion and Asian Studies, at the University of Sydney in 2006. |