Clergy within The Australian Church of Antioch
About our Clergy
The Clergy of The Australian Church of Antioch, are a dedicated group of people who have undergone the training and schooling to become Priests, Deacons etc, and give of their time freely without charge. I re-iterate OUR CLERGY DO NOT RECEIVE ANY REMUNERATION, BUT DO THIS WORK ON A VOLUNTARY BASIS. This does not deter any Church Parish or group under the name of ACOA giving a stipend to their Clergy if that parish grows to the extent where it needs a full time Priest to handle the work, but any such stipend is a matter for each Parish group governing board.
Our clergy consists of both genders, and no person is exempt from joining our Priesthood if they be of good character. Gender, Race, Creed, Sexual Persuasion, Married, Divorced or Single, is not a bar from the priesthood.
We DO insist on a police check when enrolling for Clergy training for the safety of our parishioners, and the reputation of our Church. This also assists in the reputation of the Clergy themselves.
N. B. Any predatory behaviour be it to minors or elderly, on the part of any clergy in our Church means instant defrocking and dismissal from the clergy, and the police WILL be notified.
Our clergy consists of both genders, and no person is exempt from joining our Priesthood if they be of good character. Gender, Race, Creed, Sexual Persuasion, Married, Divorced or Single, is not a bar from the priesthood.
We DO insist on a police check when enrolling for Clergy training for the safety of our parishioners, and the reputation of our Church. This also assists in the reputation of the Clergy themselves.
N. B. Any predatory behaviour be it to minors or elderly, on the part of any clergy in our Church means instant defrocking and dismissal from the clergy, and the police WILL be notified.
We have Clergy in many different places that are not listed here.
Please feel free to Contact Us to find out if we have someone in your area.
Please feel free to Contact Us to find out if we have someone in your area.
The Most Reverend Frank Bugge (D.D)
The Presiding Archbishop of The Australian Church of Antioch Parish of St. Michael's 6 Shiers Street, Alphington, Victoria Registered Marriage Celebrant Abp Frank Bugge along with the able assistance of Abp Chearle Bugge started The Australian Church of Antioch in 1987 following their Consecration to the Episcopate at the hands of Archbishops Herman and Meri Spruit. Abp Frank has been a shining example to all within ACoA and has devoted many years to furthering the advancement of the church with his dedication, hard work and teaching of esoterics of which he is highly qualified and knowledgeable and an expert in this field. The Australian Church of Antioch was approached many years ago by the Department of Corrections to facilitate a prisoner counselling & rehabilitation program. Abp Frank heads this program within ACoA and we feel we have made many inroads in this area. |
The picture on the left shows the private chapel of Archbishops' Frank and Chearle Bugge at their home in 6 Shiers Street, Alphington.
This chapel was built by the two Archbishops with their own hands and is used on a regular bases with Mass being performed there every Sunday at 10.00am. There have been numerous ordinations, consecrations, baptisms and weddings celebrated at this chapel. Any who wish to avail themselves of Mass in this venue will be welcome. |
The Most Reverend Glenn Taylor (DD) (F. Dip FSSB) (FCMD) (LCMD) (L Dip A (Aust)) (ANZM) (ANZT) (Hon SCSM) (EOSF)
Vicar General to the Presiding Archbishop of ACoA Archbishop Glenn is the Tasmanian representative Archbishop for ACoA. Parish of St. Anthony of Padua Launceston Tasmania. Dean of St. Michaels Divinity School. The Ecumenical order of St Francis. (TOR) Registered Marriage Celebrant Abp Glenn Taylor is currently the Dean of St. Michael's Divinity School and is the co founder of the school along with Abp Frank Bugge. He is also the reigning Archbishop of Tasmania as well as head of the Franciscan Order within The Australian Church of Antioch. . Abp Glenn is also a very competent and highly qualified teacher and examiner of music, and his skills are constantly being called upon to adjudicate for examinations of musical degrees in the music world. |
The Most Reverend Leonie Newman (Dip. Th) (LSMDS)
Archbishop Leonie is the S.E. Peninsula Region representative Archbishop for ACoA. Parish/Order of St. Bernadette of Antioch Bonbeach, Victoria Secretary to the Synod. Assistant to the Dean of St. Michael's Divinity School. Primate of The Temple of Ancient Wisdom. Life Member of the Archconfraternity of the Cord of St. Francis (eosf). Registered Marriage Celebrant Webmaster Abp Leonie Newman was ordained to Priest in March 2009 by Abp Frank Bugge. She was raised to the Office of Archpriest in July 2013 and consecrated to the Episcopate on the 28th September 2014. The consecrating Archbishop was Abp Frank Bugge, and co consecrators were Abp Chearle Bugge, Abp Louisette Larher, & Abp Ron Langham. She was then raised to the Office of Archbishop on the 20th January 2019. Abp Leonie works on documenting information & studies on behalf of ACoA and St. Michael's Divinity School. In addition, she devotes much of her time to counselling using a system of birthdates and numbers, and also often working with drug & alcohol addicted people in addition to also doing healings & exorcisms. Abp Leonie is also involved with the prisoner rehabilitation program that ACoA runs. The Australian Church of Antioch was approached many years ago by the Department of Corrections to facilitate such a program and we feel we have made many inroads in this area. |
Postal Address: PO Box 753, Rosebery, NSW 1445
Phone: (02) 9588 6893 Mobile: 0419 464 353 |
The Most Reverend Peter Johnson
Archbishop Peter is the N.S.W. representative Archbishop for ACoA. As a Justice of the Peace (N.S.W.) and Religious Marriage Celebrant (Commonwealth of Australia), he serves the wider community, extending his professional and pastoral skills. Abp Peter also heads The Community of Christ Our Hope Christ Our Hope Community is an intentional network of Companions, inspired by the Celtic monastic tradition within the Australian Church of Antioch – one of many global Independent Catholic Churches – within the Old Catholic Tradition. As a Faith Community, it sees itself as part of a wider church movement, called by the Gospel Mandate of Jesus Christ, to be a catalyst for “renewal and reform” within the life of the People of God. Within the Catholic Tradition, therefore, they articulate who they are, as they take their place within the Church Universal – the wider Church Community of Jesus Christ. In keeping with their Celtic Tradition, newly established “Wells” were developed to encourage greater spiritual ownership of the “domestic church”. Each Well now has a Custodian-Guardian. Wells were opened up and developed not only in the Sydney geographic area but also The Blue Mountains, Central Coast, and rural New England areas. WELLS
Hon Rev Dr Joseph Randolph Bowers and Rev Dr Dwayne Andrew Kennedy run the New England Well.
To share more widely the principles of a universal and nurturing a sacred secular spirituality and simplicity in lifestyle, Joseph and Dwayne founded The Order of Eremitas Familia Minima, the Smallest Family of Solitaries - The Minims. For more information visit The Minims affiliates with the Celtic Community of Christ Our Hope and Archbishop Peter Johnson in Sydney and Australia, as well as with the Constitution of the Australian Church of Antioch, and our sacred well of nurturance is expressed through an earth-based organic Indigenous and Franciscan tradition at St Clare Cottage and St Francis Cottage. Contact: [email protected] With a focus in secular work, Hon Rev Dr Joseph Randolph Bowers and Rev Dr Dwayne Andrew Kennedy work full time as Psychotherapists and Counsellors who are Registered NDIS Providers and Certified Behaviour Specialists with the NDIS Commission. Their offices are hosted at St Clare Cottage and St Francis Cottage in Armidale NSW. For more information visit |
The Most Reverend Rodrigo Faddoul Archbishop Rodrigo is the ACoA representative in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Presiding Archbishop of The Christian Fraternity of Antioquia. Archbishop Faddoul develops a work of inter-religious dialogue and preaches a Gospel of inclusion. Operating in the Brazilian state of Rio de Janeiro, in the city of Rio de Janeiro. His celebrations are within the mystique of the Eastern line adapted for the West. He is also a teacher / pedagogue - graduated in education. For more information, please contact The Christian Fraternity of Antioquia via email link on the left. |
The Most Reverend David Jones
Archbishop Protector of The Inclusive Sacramental Church of Christ Diploma in Religious Studies (Liberal Catholic Institute of Studies) Archbishop David is the Qld. representative Archbishop for ACoA. T.I.S.C.C. Auxiliary Bishop for Australia Parish of St. Raphael the Healer, Brisbane Registered Marriage Celebrant When David and Vicki were teenagers, planning their lives, Vicki said to David ... you should be in Holy Orders. It took another 39 years for this to happen, with David being ordained a Cleric in the Liberal Catholic Church in May 2010, and finally as a priest, on August 11th, 2013, under the hands of the Right Reverends Graham Preston, Allan Bradley and James White at the LCC Parish of St Alban in Brisbane. Throughout his time in Orders, David has (not-so) quietly agitated for equality in the delivery of our Sacraments ... such that all seven of the gifts of the Holy Spirit are offered to any and every person, regardless of gender or lifestyle, as long as they approach same with due reverence and respect, and this led him to leave the Liberal Catholic Church in May 2020, and join the Liberal Catholic Church International, founding the Community of St Raphael the Healer with his wife and priest, Vicki and the two of them conduct the service of the Mass each Sunday at 9.30AM at their home in Brisbane. Like all Clergy in Liberal Catholicism, David works a full time job as well, and over his life, has been involved in photography, home improvement construction, publishing and advertising, where he has worked for the last fourteen years with an Australian Publication. Go to the T.I.S.C.C. Facebook Link on left for Live Stream Masses each Sunday at 9.30am Brisbane time. The Most Reverend Harry Aveling
Archbishop Protector Emeritus of The Inclusive Sacramental Church of Christ Archbishop Harry holds degrees in Arts (PhD, Malay Studies, National University of Singapore), Creative Writing (DCA, University of Technology, Sydney) and Theology (STM, Wollaston College, Perth WA). Parish of St. Francis & St. Clare, Notting Hill, Melbourne Registered Marriage Celebrant Archbishop Harry Aveling was ordained to the Priesthood of the Liberal Catholic Church in March 1986 and incardinated into the Liberal Catholic Church International in December 2002. He was appointed Vicar General for the Province of Australia in 2004 and consecrated to the Episcopate in April 2017. As Regionary Bishop, he had oversight of the Church within the Commonwealth of Australia. More recently Archbishop Harry left the LCCI to found The Inclusive Sacramental Church of Christ which continues in the Liberal Catholic tradition. The Parish of St. Francis & Clare, Melbourne, is dedicated to worship, fellowship, simplicity in its expression of what it means to be the Church. They celebrate a home Mass on the third Sunday in the month followed by a shared meal. Details are available upon request. Phone: (03) 9561 3975 Mobile: 0423 218 916 |
Reverend Mother Vicki Jones B.A., Grad Dip Information Management, Diploma in Religious Studies (Liberal Catholic Institute of Studies)
Parish of St. Raphael the Healer, Brisbane Registered Marriage Celebrant Vicki had been wholly supportive of her husband David, as he travelled his path, but she’d not really thought she’d have a vocation until she saw David growing into his role as a Priest. However, Vicki was not interested in a role as a Deaconess in the Liberal Catholic Church, as such is a religious order, but not a bible-based Holy Order. So Vicki left the LCC, and started working towards orders under Bishop Harry Aveling of the Liberal Catholic Church International, a church with the same amazing Liturgy and same values, but which would extend to her the same rights to serve Our Lord in Holy Orders as were afforded to her husband David in the LCC. Vicki was ordained to the Diaconate in October 2019 under the hand of Bishop Harry Aveling at a service in Brisbane attended by some thirty family and friends. Like other clergy, her role is voluntary and over her life she has worked largely in the public sector, serving the needs of the less-advantaged in federal departments such as Aboriginal and Torres Straits Island Health, Health and Ageing, and similar departments where her passion for serving the needs of others could find a natural home. |
Reverend Mother Marion Gilchrist
Parish of St. Francis & St. Clare, Notting Hill, Melbourne Marian Gilchrist was admitted to the Order of Deaconess in the Liberal Catholic Church, Melbourne in 1989. She transferred to the LCCI two years ago and after passing through the minor orders was ordained to the Diaconate in December 2020. She has a long experience of, and knowledge about Liberal Catholic principles and practice, and also holds high degrees in co-masonry. Marion is also a musician. As a priest, she is particularly concerned with church outreach and welfare work, and hopes to be increasingly involved in the work of the altar. |
Reverend Father Anthony Rhimes
Parish of St. Francis & St. Clare, Notting Hill, Melbourne Registered Marriage Celebrant Anthony was ordained to the level of Priest on the 26th of August 2023 Anthony has had a lifelong passion for God, and has been fascinated by spirituality, religion, and esotericism, in all their varied forms. He was raised in a Pentecostal Church, and since an early age has explored a range of Western Spiritualities, including Gnosticism, Hermeticism, and Rosicrucianism, and Eastern Religions before realising that all of these things were to be grounded and integrated in the person of Jesus Christ, and His bride, the Church. He completed his undergraduate degree, majoring in Studies in Religion and Asian Studies, at the University of Sydney in 2006. |