Archdiocese of Tasmania
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The Australian Church of Antioch was established in Australia by the Most Rev'd F R Bugge in 1987 and in September 2004 the first Bishop of Tasmania the right Rev G W Taylor was consecrated, and in March 2006 he was elevated to Archbishop of Tasmania.
The Most Rev G W Taylor is also Minister General of the Ecumenical Order of St Francis (TOR). The Diocese of Tasmania was formed in 2004 when the first Bishop for Tasmania was consecrated.
In 2005 a parish in Herdsman's Cove was formed when Br Giles was ordained to the Diaconate, and to Priest in 2006. For any further information on services and times see the parish pages, for Marriages (including Same-Sex), Eucharist, Baptisms, Confirmations, Reconciliation (Confession) Anointing of the Sick and Last Rites, and Funerals please contact the Parish Priest from the address page.
If you feel called to the Australian Church of Antioch and wish to know more about the church go to the link below.
If you are interested in what is needed to study for ordination go to the St. Michael's Divinity School website link for the information and courses.
Before any one can be ordained they must first complete the prescribed courses for each level.
The levels for Minor Orders are: Cleric, Doorkeeper, Reader, Healer/Exorcist, and Acolyte.
The levels for Major Orders are: Sub-Deacon, Deacon, and Priest.
As each level is completed the Dean of St Michael's Divinity School will recommend to the Diocesan Bishop to ordain them to the relevant level.
The Most Rev G W Taylor is also Minister General of the Ecumenical Order of St Francis (TOR). The Diocese of Tasmania was formed in 2004 when the first Bishop for Tasmania was consecrated.
In 2005 a parish in Herdsman's Cove was formed when Br Giles was ordained to the Diaconate, and to Priest in 2006. For any further information on services and times see the parish pages, for Marriages (including Same-Sex), Eucharist, Baptisms, Confirmations, Reconciliation (Confession) Anointing of the Sick and Last Rites, and Funerals please contact the Parish Priest from the address page.
If you feel called to the Australian Church of Antioch and wish to know more about the church go to the link below.
If you are interested in what is needed to study for ordination go to the St. Michael's Divinity School website link for the information and courses.
Before any one can be ordained they must first complete the prescribed courses for each level.
The levels for Minor Orders are: Cleric, Doorkeeper, Reader, Healer/Exorcist, and Acolyte.
The levels for Major Orders are: Sub-Deacon, Deacon, and Priest.
As each level is completed the Dean of St Michael's Divinity School will recommend to the Diocesan Bishop to ordain them to the relevant level.